Your goals.
We make them possible.

A sports scholarship with Scholarbook enables you to fully exploit your potential in all areas.

Train like a professional, study at the best universities and make friends for life.

Reach the next level: athletically, professionally and personally!

Leo Neugebauer - From College to the Olympics
über scholarbook

This is who we are

Our expertise: Reliable all-round service.
Our promise: Tailored placement.
Our team: Cooperative, dynamic, international.

Reliable all-round service

Competent support from A to Z

Our athlete coaches will guide you from choosing the perfect university,
about your time on site to life after university.

Holistic approach

Optimum development along the way

The most important thing for us is your development.
On and off the field, as an athlete and person.

In the American College System, you receive exactly the funding you need to achieve your goals.

As the market leader, we offer you with our comprehensive all-round service
The most convenient, safe and fast way to get to college in the USA. With our experience, we do more for you than anyone else in the industry.
This is how you can benefit from this funding in the best system worldwide
and develop yourself optimally at all levels.

What you can expect from studying in the USA

What you in the
USA expected

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What our athletes say about us

Scholarbook fulfilled my dream of a sports scholarship in the USA. The collaboration was very professional and pleasant. I still have good contact with the Scholarbook team today.

In particular, the good supervision on the way to a scholarship and then at the college itself was outstanding. The decision to work with Scholarbook has had a positive impact on both my professional and private career.

Miro Diallo,
Alderson Broaddus University

Without Scholarbook and their help I wouldn't be wether I am today. They gave me the opportunity to put my self in a great position to become a professional soccer player in the US.

Without my time at Marshall University, where Scholarbook helped me to get recruited to, I wouldn't have improved as a soccer player and as a person in general. Scholarbook was basically one of the very first steps to a much bigger pathway. Over the past 5 years Scholarbook and I kept close contact and we have build a great relationship!

Jan Erik Leinhos,
Marshall University

With the help of Scholarbook, I was able to fulfill a dream of studying and swimming in the USA a few years ago! Scholarbook was simply great and accompanied me through the entire process and gave me professional advice!
It was especially great that almost all of the employees have already studied and played sports in the USA, so they really know what they're talking about!
Even when I wanted to switch to university after 2 years, they offered me their help!

Every athlete who played even briefly with the idea of going to the USA should absolutely simply ask Scholarbook!!! They are honest, super nice, but above all totally competent!!

Nadine Laemmler,
University of Missouri

The collaboration with Scholarbook was very professional at all times. The staff was very nice and helped me a lot during the first few weeks.

I also particularly liked the competence in the team, as you get both a language teacher and other experts to assist you, for example, for a video shoot or to apply to university.

I highly recommend working with Scholarbook. It's a great team and they're still there for me. Thanks to Scholarbook for the cooperation and the quick placement!!!

Patricia Strunk,
Kent State University

Scholarbook helped me to find the ideal university for me within a very short time. Advice and support was great. Even just under one and a half years after the move to the USA, there is a constant exchange.

I can now say with a clear conscience that moving to the USA was probably the best decision of my sporting career.

Northwestern State University

Scholarbook helped me find the ideal university. The placement was easy and uncomplicated and all work was done for me.

Thanks to the optimal training options, I was able to significantly improve all my best times! In Germany, I would not have had the opportunity to combine studies and competitive sports so well.

Lorenz Herrmann,
University of Idaho
Opportunity assessment

Start your journey now with our free opportunity assessment!

Start your journey now with our non-binding opportunity assessment!

After completing the form, a sports expert will contact you with an assessment of your potential scholarship and all other important information.


